Moshi Make It Quick

Moshi Make It Quick is the section of the site where you can make loads of Moshi Stuff! And quickly! Here's some Moshi Make It Quicks I've freshly prepared!



Moshi Posters

You can make these ROARsome Moshi Posters for your friends!


1) Choose whether you want to draw a Moshling, or a Monster.

2) Find a pic of the Monster or Moshling you want to draw. You could either trace over the OUTLINE, or have a blast at drawing the WHOLE THING, yourself! 

3) When you've finished, you can colour it in (try colouring the background, too!) and give it to your friends! You might want to  write their Monster Owner Name, or, if you drew a Moshling, the name of it, e.g. Peppy The Stunt Penguin. All Done! Yay!